Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Displaying Art

How is your artwork displayed?  We have several displays at any given time and thought we would share.  If you like my posts, please follow me!

The blue background here is painted on the wall, and then we just blue sticky art work on top of that.  Often times we will also put a description (translated by the child who made it) next to the art work.
We like things like this dream catcher hang from the ceiling so our babies have great things to look at.
Framed art work means that we value it.  We try to value every child's art work in a frame.  Dating it and helping them sign if they can't sign themselves add to the importance of a piece of art.
This is in our entry room.  It tends to be seasonal, and they are usually my most favorite art works.
This wall is dedicated to what we are learning about in preschool.
Infant art display

 3-D art and another framed piece.
Learning art display                                              

Welcoming art that shows what we are learning about.
Some of our most favorite pieces seem to hang around forever.  This chicken was one of our projects from 2 years ago.  All of the rest shown are current.  I hope you have enjoyed our art displays, but I would really like to know your creative ways of displaying art.  Write to me!!

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